Installation and Configuration of Squid in a pfSense Box

by Ritesh

Posted on September 27, 2017 at 6:30 PM

pfSense - The Open Source Firewall

Squid is a standard caching proxy solution to speed up the web browsing experience. The frequently visited website data is stored locally in the hard drive and is served to the users without downloading repated content from the webservers. Squid comes as optional package for installation inside pfSense.

Open the package Manager in squid by selecting Package Manager from the System tab in pfSense. "Please wait while the list of packages is retrieved and formatted" message is displayed till the list of packages is formatted.
Then > Click on the available packages tab. Locate the squid package ande click on the install button.

Install squid in pfSense

Confirm the Squid package selection by clicking the Confirm button.

Confirm selecting the package

Dont leave the page till the installation of Squid and dependent packages are complete. Confirm selecting the package

Alternate method: command line installation of Squid

Since my installation was failing due to bad internet connection, I tried the command line installation.

Go to the home screen of the pfSense box and select option 8 (Shell) to get inside the shell terminal.

pkg install pfsense-pkg-squid

Command line installation of pfsense squid

Verify the installation. Note that till now the package is installed by not configured yet. We will cover the configuration in next part.

Installation complete