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Ritesh Mandal Dr.

     Guest Book



Name: Rupali
Message: Hi,This is great.........I am also a doctor into clinical resaerch and recently joined IT. Your tutorials are very informative for me. Thanks and keep it up!!! :-) Regards, Rupali

Time : 11-08-2009 12:52 am

Name: dr ashfaque shah
Message: hi! ritesh vr r u now a days . i was in banglore someone told ur r in banglore .howz life buddy. my local no 9590745125 & permenant no 09422247589 02402370102 02402370908.im here for endoscopic training .contact me give me ur nos.ill be delighted to here ur voice.bye.

Time : 26-04-2009 1:39 am

Name: Neeraj Sharma
Message: Kitna mota ho gaya hai tu. Lagata hai biwi ke hath ka khana bahut pasand aa raha hai. I am in Sydney right now doing my fellowship in Knee Surgery. Nice to see you settled into family life. Contact at neerajorth@yahoo.co.in Neeraj

Time : 14-04-2009 7:03 am

Name: arindam guha
Message: i\'ve sent u a mail at ritesh@riteshmandal.comi hope u\'ve received it...pls try to give me a reply...i\'ll be very helpfull for me...regards...

Time : 05-01-2009 6:49 am

Name: Mr. Rajani Limbasiya
Message: heyy....nice to visit this site...... u seems to interesting person ha....... even i m doing job in clinical trial in chennai......

Time : 01-12-2008 10:56 am

Name: prasad.y
Message: hi, thats a nice gesture u r doing for clinical research. i have been in SAS for morethan 3 years, i never seen a doctor doing this. you are the role model for many ....

Time : 05-11-2008 2:43 pm

Name: Dr.Dnyaneshwar
Message: Hi Sir,thanks for updated.i will contact you later.

Time : 05-08-2008 3:15 pm

Name: harish kumar
Homepage: -
Message: actually i want to learn SAS during surfing your site opened and found great work but SAS 2nd page is not being opened and the same for guitar page pls check. Otherwise you have done a great job that few people can.

Time : 01-08-2008 6:20 pm

Name: Valli
Message: Dear Doctor, I was going through Medical coding in clinical research on your site, it gave a very useful insight. Right now i am in Clinical Research Organisation undergoing training on Medical Coding. Can you give me more details on this.regardsvalli

Time : 06-05-2008 5:16 am

Name: Samuel
Homepage: IfOpmXxg
Message: H6VwAi Hello! I\'m Samuel Smith, i\'m from Switqerland i and find your site really brilliant!

Time : 04-05-2008 9:41 am

Name: G Saravanan
Homepage: www.newindpress.com
Message: Hai Dr. This is Saravanan, born at Mayabunder, studied at Rangat and Port Blair, now working as a reporter in Indian Express, Chennai.I saw ur under construction web for Andaman. It looks so good. Keep it up friend.Thanks

Time : 19-04-2008 9:32 am

Name: dr.dhanesh
Message: hello sir my self dr.dhanesh. i have done bams and pg dip.in clinical research (ICRI) currently working in KPO as medical coder in NAGPUR.i want to make carrier in clinical research or data managment which course should i join in Nagpur oracle clinical or SAS is not available so where should i approach or how to get connect in clinical research field, i want u r suggestion kindly help me.

Time : 15-04-2008 2:09 pm

Homepage: www.google.com
Message: hellow the system worked for me..But lemme kno weather it is possible to make a lan with actual system with virtual system....i mean to say lan between VM ware nd system....

Time : 21-02-2008 1:59 pm
Answer: Yes it will work, call me

Name: Milind and anshu
Message: Waiting to meet you both. Always knew you would make it big. How are your parents and younger brother convey my regards. nice wife whats her name.feeling nostalgic

Time : 18-02-2008 6:42 pm

Name: omsutclnpi
Homepage: omsutclnpi
Message: Hello! Good Site! Thanks you!

Time Stamp: 01-25-2008 5:38 am

Name: reema
Message: hi jiju,humare bhi photo dhalo.mast hai keep goingbye

Time Stamp: 01-16-2008 11:00 am

Name: Dhemant
Message: http://www.orkut.com/ProfileC.aspx?uid=7007399437850925041&ct=&tab=0&pno=4

Time Stamp: 01-14-2008 12:54 pm

Name: Dr Sreekanth Gattu
Homepage: On orkut
Message: I have seen very few doctors who made it big in IT. Ritesh & Gagan. Keep rocking Guys...

Time Stamp: 01-10-2008 12:26 pm

Name: Anatol
Homepage: Unknown
Message: Nise site!

Time Stamp: 05-31-2007 4:06 pm

Name: Dinesh Padole
Message: Hi Adarsh Barwad, I am Dinesh padole, Please send Ur Mail & Cell no to my ID dineshpadole@rediffmail.com 09881711791

Time Stamp: 05-23-2007 1:26 pm

Name: M.Sangeeth Kumar
Message: Hi Dr. Thats a great Job.I am resident of Rangat, Andaman.I like the way u have presented the website.

Time Stamp: 03-13-2007 5:18 pm

Name: Anuj Gupta
Message: Good job.

Time Stamp: 03-09-2007 6:50 pm

Name: adarsh barwad
Message: hi i tnk u remamber me and shashi bhushan srivastava. bal badh gaye,katwa lena

Time Stamp: 02-19-2007 8:29 pm

Name: adarsh barwad
Message: hi i tnk u remamber me and shashi bhushan srivastava

Time Stamp: 02-19-2007 8:28 pm

Name: dr harshal
Message: hello BHAU,im ur junior frm 99 batch.i admired ur guitar skills, the way u created our college website.. n now in this field.. hats off to u.. u restored my confidence n the belief that the life is what u wanna make it. wud love to learn more frm u.

Time Stamp: 02-06-2007 8:45 pm




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