![]() ORACLE : Installation, Instance, Tablespace, Tables, Data ? |
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Next Page - Oracle 2>> How to start learning Database [RDBMS concepts]?: If you want to learn Oracle
without any DB concepts ...
stop for now and try a easier MySQL before jumping
onto Oracle. That's just an advice
though and you may or may not agree!.
[My Mysql tutorial
is available here]. There is some package called libaio (check for other dependencies too), which needs to be installed before the proper installation of Oracle. Search the web and install something like libaio-0.3.103-2.2.i386.rpm , login as root : USE : rpm -ivh libaio-0.3.106-2.2.i386.rpm create user "oracle" : USE : useradd -m oracle The installation window is just the same as in Windows.
Using SQLPLUS to manipulate Oracle (for Windows Operating system) : Invoke SQLPLUS from command prompt by typing SQLPLUS /NOLOG or open SQLPLUS application from Program Files>Oracle>Application Development>SQLPLUS FOR DOS COMMAND PROMPT : DESC or DESCRIBE : Used to describe the table structure present in the tablespace. USE : DESC <tablename> e.g. DESC CHENNAI ; USE : SELECT * FROM <tablename> to view all the data inside the table. e.g. SELECT * FROM CHENNAI INSERTING DATA INTO A TABLE in Oracle : USE : INSERT INTO <tablename> VALUES (<'column1','column2','column3',.....'column n'>) ; e.g. INSERT INTO CHENNAI VALUES (6, 'SOME NAME'); The structure should exactly match as the table structure else Oracle loves to shower you with errors. DELETING DATA FROM A TABLE in Oracle : USE : DELETE FROM <tablename> WHERE <SOME CONDITION> (Careful without specifying any condition for deletion will remove all records from the Table. e.g. DELETE FROM CHENNAI WHERE id=2; UPDATING A COLUMN DATA OF A TABLE in Oracle : USE : UPDATE <tablename> SET <column name>=blahblah WHERE <some condition> e.g. UPDATE CHENNAI SET NAME = 'RITESH MANDAL' WHERE id =1 ; ADD AND DROP COLUMN INSIDE TABLE (Oracle) : USE : ALTER TABLE <tablename> ADD (<field name> <field type>) ; e.g. ALTER TABLE CHENNAI ADD (PHONE NUMBER(10)); USE : ALTER TABLE <tablename> DROP <field name> ; e.g. ALTER TABLE CHENNAI DROP COLUMN PHONE; RENAMING A COLUMN INSIDE TABLE (Oracle) : USE : ALTER TABLE <tablename> RENAME COLUMN <field name> TO <new field name>; e.g. ALTER TABLE CHENNAI RENAME COLUMN PHONE TO MOBILEPHONE ; MODIFY A COLUMN INSIDE TABLE (Oracle) : USE : ALTER TABLE <tablename> MODIFY (<field name> <new field type>); e.g. ALTER TABLE CHENNAI MODIFY (NAME VARCHAR(40)) ; Learning Data types : The data types every database systems handle is slightly different. The list is exhaustive with Oracle when compared to MySQL and others. Few databases have unique datatype as well, like PostgreSQL has currency datatype MONEY while others don't have such Tablespace : What's that ? That's enough for the basics. Resources : www.oracle.com Medical Coding | Web Designing | Oracle | MySQL | Linux | Java | ICH GCP | Clinical Data Management | Indian Clinical Trials | 21 CFR Part 11 | Web server | PHP | 443 & SSL | Web Hosting | GXP India | Apache | Other Databases | Image Editing | Software validation | Networking | Guitar | Disclaimer of use |