Installation of PostGreSQL on Centos7

by Ritesh

Posted on October 1, 2017 at 4.15 PM

Open a Terminal and install using yum. You may have to do a yum update before the installation.

yum update
yum install postgresql
Install PostgreSQL

Select PGSQL packages and dependencies

Select 'y' to accept all responses during the process.
Select PGSQL packages and dependencies

I selected additional postgreSQL packages as well.
yum install postgresql-contrib
You can deployed all the packages in a single line of command.
yum install postgresql-server postgresql-contrib
by a single I selected additional postgreSQL packages as well.

Initialise the database

After you have installed successfully. Its time to initialise the postgre database for first time use.
sudo postgresql-setup initdb

After the database is initialised. Its time to start the postgresql service.
sudo systemctl start postgresql

Change and set the default system password for postgres user. Its created during the postgresql installation .
sudo passwd postgres
Select PGSQL packages and dependencies

Create an postgresql user with Superuser role
[root@india conf]# su - postgres
Last login: Sun Sep 18 12:00:04 IST 2016 on pts/2
-bash-4.2$ createuser -P -s -e bheeni
Enter password for new role: mypassword@890
Enter it again: