ClearOS Firewall Solution

by Ritesh

Posted on October 4, 2017 at 6.30 AM

1. Install from the Clear OS community edition "iso". Select "Install or upgrade and existing system"

Install from the Clear OS community edition iso

2. The ClearOs installer (anaconda) should be able to find/verify the installer media contents and start the installation.

Install from the Clear OS community edition iso

3.Click next on the screen to continue with the installation.

Install from the Clear OS community edition iso

4. Select the installation Language.

Install from the Clear OS community edition iso

4. Select the keyboard layout.

Install from the Clear OS community edition iso

Post installation the ClearOS is accessible from a remote machine by typing the IP address of machine on port 81 in a browser [e.g.]

After the barebone installation Apps needs to installed from the Clear Center MarketPlace. Browse and select the required Apps.

Select the apps from marketplace

Download connectors from Apache website

Download connectors from Apache website

While the installation is being processed, you can navigate to other screens.
ClearOs App installation