Katchal - relief camps set up after Tsunami
Posted on July 16, 2008 at 1:45 AM
Three Camps were setup at Katchal Island after 2004 Tsunami - Meenakshi RamNagar, Japan Tikrey and EWall
The huts at all relief camps had the same structure. The structure were shacks built out of galvanized tin sheets. These huts were erected as an immidiate relief measure and were supposed to be replaced with permanent houses. This photographs were taken in Nov 05 i.e. about 1 year of Tsunami but where was the permanent structures ?.
Odomos distribution at Katchal relief camps. Who need them ? Lots of goods supplied by NGO's but very difficult to put into use. For most NGO's purchasing items and blowing trumpets over Media is all what mattered . Many of the items provided were good for nothing.
Flowers blooming at relief camps.