
Post Tsunami : The difficult life of Hospital Staff at Katchal

The key is multitasking..

Medicine, Pharmaceuticals, IT/Computers and Music

Staff of PHC Katchal

Independence Day - 15th Aug 2005. The full staff of Primary Health center, Katchal . Photograph taken after flag hoisting.
The tents in the background is where we lived for months together.

The troublesome medicine store
To store the huge supply of medicines after tsunami was a trouble. Every available room was used to store medicines.
The stock is enough to support few thousands of people though Katchal had a meagre population of 1857 people!

The pain of rain
A typical rainy day. Its used to be real mess during and after rains because of the pool of mud. Sometimes the tree branches posed threat to the tents.
But still the tents were safer because of the frequent earthquakes (Geologists say its aftershocks, But for us it's frightening EARTHQUAKES !) .

The Volleyball games were withheld for few days after rains (Wet and muddy ground). Volleyball is worth mentioning because it was the only entertainment.

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