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15th August
Mid sea Drama
Journey to Katchal
Rubbles of PHC Katchal

PHC Katchal : Once a 18 bedded Hospital

Primary Health Center , Katchal after tsunami Episode of 26th Dec 2004. I discovered a new hobby to visit this place frequently in afternoon and collect few leftover non - expendables and trying to put them to use. Surprisingly few of them were functional too. e.g. Tube light frames, instruments etc. etc.

  It was once a Hospital

New meets old

The staffs looking at the left over PHC

 Power Station inside Hospital !

Diesel Gensets Installed inside old Hospital Ward

This looks like a power house unit. one ward of the Old PHC dramatically survived the wrath of tsunami. The ward is now equipped with DG sets to provide additional power to the Katchal Island.

 X ray Machine

That's the X-ray machine

The old rubbles still contains this type of Medical equipments, which can never be put to use again.

Photo: Ritesh Mandal ,  Katchal Dated : September 2005  ©